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* 06.08.1928 Pittsburgh, † 22.02.1987 New York

Am 6. August 1928 wird Andy Warhol als drittes Kind einer russischen Immigrantenfamilie in Pittsburgh geboren. Mit acht Jahren erkrankt er am Veitstanz und einer seltenen Pigmentstörung, wodurch man ihn oft für einen Albino hält. Gefesselt ans Bett entdeckt er seine Leidenschaft für Comics und Kinofilme. Von 1945 – 1949 studiert Warhol Gebrauchsgrafik am Carnegie Institute of Technology, wo er seinen Abschluss in Malerei und Design macht. Es zieht den jungen Warhol in den Hotspot für Kunst und Literatur – nach New York. Dort arbeitet er als Schaufensterdekorateur und wird bald zum gefragtesten Werbedesigner der Stadt. Seine ersten Zeichnungen werden 1950 in der Zeitschrift „Mademoiselle“ veröffentlicht. Mit der Designerin Suzie Frankfurt entwickelt er die drop-and-dripping Technik, bei der er mit Tusche und Tinte gemalte Motive mit Löschpapier kopiert und auf ein weiteres Blatt überträgt – eine Vorstufe zu seiner später präferierten Technik, dem Siebdruck. So entstehen zahlreiche Grusskarten, Werbegeschenke, Beiträge für Magazine aber auch Kochbücher. Bei sogenannten „Colouring Parties“ lässt er Freunde und Gäste diese Werke ausmalen – auch hier schon ein Hinweis auf seine spätere serielle Produktion und die Factory.

Ende der 1950er Jahre entscheidet er sich, dem Grafikdesign den Rücken zu kehren und als Künstler zu arbeiten. Wie kein anderer vor ihm setzt er sich mit der veränderten Gesellschaft auseinander. Er sucht Alltagsgegenstände, Ereignisse, Stars und Sternchen, die in jedermanns Leben vorkommen und für jeden eine wie auch immer geartete Bedeutung haben. So Artikel des Massenkonsums, wie die bekannten Campbell´s Soup Dosen, die in den 1950er/60er Jahren in keiner Vorratskammer in den USA und England fehlen oder auch Prominente wie James Dean, Jacky Kennedy und Marylin Monroe, an deren Schicksal eine ganze Generation teilnimmt. Meisterlich nutzt Warhol Comics, Zeitungsfotos und Bilder von Stars, Sternchen, Unfällen, aber auch von Ereignissen oder Gegenständen, und erhebt sie durch die Verwendung in seinen Kunstwerken und die zeitgleiche serielle Ausführung zu Ikonen nicht nur seiner, sondern auch unserer Zeit. Zu Beginn der 1960er Jahre beginnt er den Siebdruck für sich zu entdecken, dessen Technik ihm die Serialität, die immanent für sein Werk ist, ermöglicht. Auch die 1962 gegründete Factory trägt dazu bei, die Serialität auf die Spitze zu treiben.

1968 verübt die radikale Frauenrechtlerin Valerie Solanas ein Attentat auf Warhol. Daraufhin zieht er sich immer mehr zurück, die ehemals experimentelle Factory verschreibt sich zunehmend der Kommerzialisierung seiner Kunst. Durch das Erlebte und den späteren Tod seiner Mutter erhält das Thema Tod Einzug in Warhols Werk. Zudem bekommen Porträts, auch Auftragsporträts, einen immer grösseren Stellenwert. Am 22. Februar 1987 stirbt Andy Warhol.

Noch zu Lebzeiten ruft er die Andy Warhol Foundation of Visual Arts ins Leben, die neben der Familie einen Grossteil seines auf über 100 Millionen US-Dollar geschätzten Vermögens bekommt. Heute erstellt die Foundation das umfassende Werkverzeichnis seiner Werke.


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Lotto 3444* - Z37 Postwar e contemporary art - sabato 06 dicembre 2014, 16h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Frauenschuh (Paphiopedilum). 1983.
Acrylic on canvas.
Signed and dated on the cut canvas verso: Andy Warhol 1983.
107 x 103 cm.

CHF 300 000 / 500 000 | (€ 309 280 / 515 460)

Venduto per CHF 360 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3239 - Z21 Impressionismo e arte moderna - venerdì 08 dicembre 2006, 17h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Dollar Sign. 1982.
Acryl über Serigraphie auf Leinwand.
Verso auf der Leinwand signiert und datiert: Andy Warhol 82. Verso auf der Leinwand Dedikation: to Andrew.
25,2 x 23,3 cm.

CHF 140 000 / 180 000 | (€ 144 330 / 185 570)

Venduto per CHF 315 500 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3752 - A193 Postwar e contemporary art - sabato 04 luglio 2020, 14h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Lola Jacobson. 1985.
Acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas.
On the overlap with the stamps: The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and The Estate of Andy Warhol. Also with the archive number on the stretcher: P050.072.
101.5 × 101.5 cm.

CHF 180 000 / 240 000 | (€ 185 570 / 247 420)

Venduto per CHF 207 700 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3455* - A197 Postwar e contemporary art - giovedì 01 luglio 2021, 17h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Terrier (from: Toys series). 1983.
Synthetic polymer and screenprint on canvas.
Signed and dated on the overlap: Andy Warhol 83. Also numbered on the stretcher: 5.
35.5 × 28 cm.

CHF 50 000 / 70 000 | (€ 51 550 / 72 160)

Venduto per CHF 201 600 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3451 - A185 Postwar e contemporary art - sabato 30 giugno 2018, 14h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Clockwork Panda Drummer (from: Toy Series). 1983.
Synthetic polymer and screenprint on canvas.
Signed and dated on the overlap: Andy Warhol 83, also with the handwritten number on the stretcher: 24.
35.5 x 27.7 cm.

CHF 80 000 / 140 000 | (€ 82 470 / 144 330)

Venduto per CHF 192 500 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3709* - A191 Stampe e multipli - sabato 07 dicembre 2019, 10h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Superman. 1981.
Colour screenprint with diamond dust. 8/200. Signed in pencil lower right: Andy Warhol. On the reverse with the stamp: © D.C. COMICS, INC. 1981. THIS INTERPREATATION CREATED BY ANDY WARHOL IS DERIVED FROM AN ORIGINAL VERSION OF SUPERMAN COPYRIGHTED BY D.C. COMICS. Sheet size 95.2 x 95.2 cm on Lenox Museum Board. Published by Ronald Feldman, New York (with the stamp on the reverse). Printed by Rupert Jason Smith, New York (with the blindstamp). From the 10-part portfolio "Myths".

CHF 120 000 / 180 000 | (€ 123 710 / 185 570)

Venduto per CHF 183 300 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3420* - A187 Postwar e contemporary art - sabato 08 dicembre 2018, 14h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Mickey Mouse. 1981.
Colour screenprint with diamond dust. 63/200. Signed in penil lower left: Andy Warhol. With the stamps on the reverse: THIS INTERPRETATION CREATED AND COPYRIGHTED BY ANDY WARHOL IS DERIVED FROM AN ORIGINAL VERSION OF MICKEY MOUSE COPYRIGHTED BY WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS, also with the copyright stamp: ©ANDY WARHOL 1981 PUBLISHER RONALD FELDMAN FINE ARTS INC. NEW YORK.. Sheet size 96.5 x 96.5 cm. Published by Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York. Printed by Rupert Jasen Smith, New York (with the blindstamp). From the 10-part series "Myths".

CHF 70 000 / 90 000 | (€ 72 160 / 92 780)

Venduto per CHF 168 500 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3430 - A205 Postwar e contemporary art - giovedì 22 giugno 2023, 14h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Man Ray. 1974.
Acrylic and colour silkscreen on canvas.
Signed and dated on the reverse: Andy WARHOL 74, as well as with an inscription on the stretcher: 687/2.
32.9 × 33 cm.

CHF 100 000 / 150 000 | (€ 103 090 / 154 640)

Venduto per CHF 146 700 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3680 - A197 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 01 luglio 2021, 13h30


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Rebel without a cause (James Dean). 1985.
Colour screenprint. 131/190. Signed in pencil lower right: Andy Warhol. With the copyright-stamp on the reverse: © ANDY WARHOL 1984, also with the stamp: This interpretation created and copyrighted by Andy Warhol is derived from an original version of a JAMES DEAN poster copyrighted by Warner Bros., Inc. Sheet size 96.5 × 96.5 cm on Lenox Museum Board. Published by Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York (with the blindstamp and verso with the stamp). Printed by Rupert Jasen Smith, New York (with the blindstamp). From the 10-part portfolio "Ads".

CHF 60 000 / 80 000 | (€ 61 860 / 82 470)

Venduto per CHF 146 700 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3681* - A197 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 01 luglio 2021, 13h30


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Joseph Beuys (3-parts). 1980.
3 colour screenprints, two with diamond dust. 23/90. Signed in pencil lower right: Andy Warhol. Image 102 × 76 cm on black Arches Cover wove paper 112 × 76.5 cm. Published by Editions Schellmann & Klüser, Munich/New York (with the blindstamp). Printed by Rupert Jasen Smith, New York (with the blindstamp).

CHF 55 000 / 75 000 | (€ 56 700 / 77 320)

Venduto per CHF 146 700 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3865 - A193 Stampe e multipli - sabato 04 luglio 2020, 11h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Dracula. 1981.
Colour screenprint with diamond dust. TP 2/30, trial proof outside the edition of 200. Unique. Signed in pencil lower centre: Andy Warhol. Sheet size 96.5 × 96.5 cm on Lenox Museum Board. Published by Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York (verso with the stamp). Printed by Rupert Jason Smith, New York. From the 10-part series "Myths".

CHF 40 000 / 60 000 | (€ 41 240 / 61 860)

Venduto per CHF 116 200 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3664 - A199 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 02 dicembre 2021, 14h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
From: Mick Jagger. 1975.
Colour screenprint. 176/250. Signed in felt-tip pen lower right: Andy Warhol, as well as signed in felt-tip pen lower left: Mick Jagger. Sheet size 111 × 73.7 cm on firm Arches watercolour paper. Published by Seabird Editions, London (with the stamp on the reverse). Printed by Alexander Henrici, New York (with the blindstamp). From the 10-part portfolio.

CHF 24 000 / 28 000 | (€ 24 740 / 28 870)

Venduto per CHF 110 100 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3677 - A197 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 01 luglio 2021, 13h30


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Volkswagen. 1985.
Colour screenprint. 143/190. Signed in pencil lower right: Andy Warhol. With the stamps on the reverse: ANDY WARHOL 1985 PUBLISHER RONALD FELDMAN FINE ARTS, INC. NEW YORK, also with the copyright stamp: ©1960 Volkswagen of America, Inc. used with expressed permission. Sheet size 96.5 × 96.5 cm on Lenox Museum Board. Published by Ronald Feldman Fine Art, New York (with the blindstamp). Printed by Rupert Jasen Smith, New York (with the blindstamp). From the 10-part series "Ads".

CHF 25 000 / 35 000 | (€ 25 770 / 36 080)

Venduto per CHF 110 100 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3781 - A189 Stampe e multipli - sabato 29 giugno 2019, 10h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Apple. 1985.
Colour screenprint. 165/190. Signed in pencil lower right: Andy Warhol. Sheet size 96.5 x 96.5 cm on Lenox Museum Board. Published by Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York (with the blindstamp). Printed by Rupert Jasen Smith, New York (with the blindstamp). From the 10-part portfolio "Ads".

CHF 50 000 / 70 000 | (€ 51 550 / 72 160)

Venduto per CHF 110 100 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3678 - A197 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 01 luglio 2021, 13h30


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Pine Barrens Tree Frog. 1983.
Colour screenprint. 27/150. Signed in pencil lower left: Andy Warhol, also with the copyright-stamp on the reverse: © ANDY WARHOL 1983. Sheet size 96.5 × 96.5 cm on Lenox Museum Board. Published by Ronald Feldman Fine Arts, New York (verso with the stamp). Printed by Rupert Jasen Smith, New York (with the blindstamp). From the 10-part series "Endangered Species".

CHF 30 000 / 50 000 | (€ 30 930 / 51 550)

Venduto per CHF 104 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3753* - A195 Stampe e multipli - sabato 05 dicembre 2020, 10h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
From: Campbell's Soup I. 1968.
Colour screenprint. 138/250. Signed on the reverse: Andy Warhol, also with the stamped number. Image 80.7 × 48.7 cm on smooth wove paper 88.9 × 58.4 cm. Published by Factory Additions, New York. Printed by Salvatore Silkscreen, New York. From the 10-part portfolio.

CHF 20 000 / 30 000 | (€ 20 620 / 30 930)

Venduto per CHF 104 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3679* - A197 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 01 luglio 2021, 13h30


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
From: Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn). 1967.
Colour screenprint. 25/250. Monogrammed and dated in pencil on the reverse: AW 67, also with the stamped numbering. Sheet size 91.4 × 91.4 cm on firm wove paper. Published by Factory Additions, New York. Printed by Aetna Silkscreen Products, New York. From the 10-part portfolio.

CHF 65 000 / 75 000 | (€ 67 010 / 77 320)

Venduto per CHF 97 900 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3755* - A195 Stampe e multipli - sabato 05 dicembre 2020, 10h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
From: Marilyn Monroe (Marilyn). 1967.
Colour screenprint. 25/250. Monogrammed and dated in pencil on the reverse: AW 67, also with the stamped number. Sheet size 91.4 × 91.4 cm on firm wove paper. Published by Factory Additions, New York. Printed by Aetna Silkscreen Products, New York. From the 10-part portfolio.

CHF 80 000 / 120 000 | (€ 82 470 / 123 710)

Venduto per CHF 97 900 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3243 - Z21 Impressionismo e arte moderna - venerdì 08 dicembre 2006, 17h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Heart. 1979.
Acryl auf Leinwand.
Verso signiert und datiert: Andy Warhol 79.
28 x 35,5 cm.

CHF 12 000 / 18 000 | (€ 12 370 / 18 560)

Venduto per CHF 90 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3723* - Z36 Stampe e multipli - sabato 28 giugno 2014, 13h30


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Mao. 1972.
Farbserigrafie. 55/250. Auf der Rückseite signiert: Andy Warhol, sowie mit der gestempelten Nummerierung. Blattmass 91,4 x 91,4 cm auf Vélin von Beckett. Erschienen bei Castelli Graphics and Multiples, New York. Gedruckt bei Styria Studios, New York (verso mit dem Stempel). Mit dem Sammlungsstempel (Blindstempel): Gladsaxe Biblioteksvaesen. Aus dem gleichnamigen 10-teiligen Portfolio.

CHF 45 000 / 55 000 | (€ 46 390 / 56 700)

Venduto per CHF 79 200 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3673 - A197 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 01 luglio 2021, 13h30


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
$1. 1982.
Colour screenprint. 25/60. Signed in pencil lower left: Andy Warhol, as well as with the copyright stamp on the reverse: © ANDY WARHOL 1982. Sheet size 50.2 × 39.8 cm on Lenox Museum Board. Published by Andy Warhol, New York. Printed by Rubert Jasen Smith, New York (with the blindstamp). Sheet 1 from the 6-part portfolio "$1".

CHF 35 000 / 45 000 | (€ 36 080 / 46 390)

Venduto per CHF 79 600 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3672 - A197 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 01 luglio 2021, 13h30


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
$1. 1982.
Colour screenprint. T.P. 8/15, trial proof outside the edition of 60. Unique piece. Signed in pencil lower right: Andy Warhol. Sheet size 50.2 × 39.8 cm on Lenox Museum Board. Published by Andy Warhol, New York. Printed by Rubert Jasen Smith, New York (with the blindstamp). Sheet 5 from the 6-part portfolio "$1".

CHF 35 000 / 45 000 | (€ 36 080 / 46 390)

Venduto per CHF 78 380 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3716* - A209 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 20 giugno 2024, 10h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Goethe. 1982.
Colour screenprint. 55/100. Signed in pencil lower left: Andy Warhol. On the reverse with the red Copyright stamp: Andy Warhol 1982 and the details of the publishers. Sheet size 96.5 × 96.5 cm on Lenox Museum Board. Published by Edition Schellmann & Klüser, Munich/Denise René & Hans Mayer, Düsseldorf. Printed by Rupert Smith, New York (with the blind stamp embrosing). From the same titled 4-part series.

CHF 60 000 / 90 000 | (€ 61 860 / 92 780)

Venduto per CHF 75 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3767* - A193 Postwar e contemporary art - sabato 04 luglio 2020, 14h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
B/W Ads (Are You “Different?”). 1985/86.
Acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas.
On the overlapp with the stamps: The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts und The Estate of Andy Warhol. Also on the stretcher and on the overlapp with the archive number: PA10.424.
50.9 × 40.3 cm.

CHF 50 000 / 70 000 | (€ 51 550 / 72 160)

Venduto per CHF 61 300 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3241 - Z21 Impressionismo e arte moderna - venerdì 08 dicembre 2006, 17h00


(Pittsburgh 1928–1987 New York)
Damenschuh mit Blumenmotiv. 1962.
Graphit auf Papier.
Unten rechts signiert und datiert: Andy Warhol 1962. ***KÄUFE B***
61x46 cm.

CHF 10 000 / 15 000 | (€ 10 310 / 15 460)

Venduto per CHF 57 600 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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