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* 25.6.1923 San Mateo, † 4.11.1994 Santa Monica

Sam Francis first found art because of an injury during the Second World War. Lying flat on his back due to a spinal injury, he watched the play of light on the ceiling with fascination. When he was finally discharged, he decided to change his life. Born in California in 1923, Francis first studied medicine and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, before enlisting in the war as a US fighter pilot. After his recovery, he turned to art and studied art history and fine arts at the same university from 1948 to 1950.

Sam Francis found his personal style in the 1950s, during which he spent some time in Paris and Japan. He combined Action Painting and Colour Field Painting, from Abstract Expressionism with Tachism and the influences of Japanese art and calligraphy. His painting is characterised by saturated colour and painterly spontaneity. Included in the ranks of the young European avant-garde, his paintings were then shown at exhibitions in Paris, London, and Bern. His participation in the 1956 exhibition "Twelve Americans" at the New York Museum of Modern Art also made Francis known in America. This was the period of a stylistic change from extensive compositions in monochrome values to bright 'islands of colour' on the white canvas. In the 1960s Francis moved back to California and developed a very personal form of spontaneous and gestural dripping. He directed the oil, acrylic, and watercolour paints across the picture surface with circling and splashing movements. In his "grid paintings" of the 1970s, the picture surface is covered with net-like structures. In addition to "Action Painting", he also turned to other techniques such as lithography, etching and monotype. His last artistic phase was greatly determined by large commissioned works for murals. Sam Francis died on 4.11.1994 in Santa Monica.

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Lot 3443 - Z34 PostWar & Contemporary - samedi 22 juin 2013, 16h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Ohne Titel. 1962-64. (SFP 64-31).
Öl auf Leinwand.
Verso mit Stempel und Stempelsignatur des Estates.
61 x 91 cm.

CHF 50 000 / 70 000 | (€ 51 550 / 72 160)

Vendu pour CHF 112 800 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3412 - Z41 PostWar & Contemporary - samedi 03 décembre 2016, 14h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Drift II. 1976.
Signed on the reverse: Sam Francis, also inscribed with the archive number: SF76-026.
58 x 82 cm

CHF 40 000 / 60 000 | (€ 41 240 / 61 860)

Vendu pour CHF 78 500 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3228 - Z21 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 08 décembre 2006, 17h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. Um 1986.
Acryl auf Papier.
Verso Stempel der Sam Francis Estate. Werk-Nummer SF86-798.
76 x 57 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 40 000 | (€ 30 930 / 41 240)

Vendu pour CHF 66 000 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3470* - A197 PostWar & Contemporary - jeudi 01 juillet 2021, 17h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1994.
Acrylic on canvas.
With the estate stamp on the reverse: The Sam Francis Estate, as well as with the archive number (twice) on the overlap: SFP94-80, and the inscribed date by the studio's assistant: 7-25-94.
35.6 × 45.8 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 40 000 | (€ 30 930 / 41 240)

Vendu pour CHF 56 420 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3417* - A201 PostWar & Contemporary - jeudi 30 juin 2022, 17h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Acrylic on paper.
With the stamped signature and the estate stamp on the reverse: Sam Francis, "The Sam Francis Estate", as well as with the archive's number: SF85-492, S2-17w.
73 × 47.5 cm.

CHF 40 000 / 60 000 | (€ 41 240 / 61 860)

Vendu pour CHF 49 100 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3735 - A193 PostWar & Contemporary - samedi 04 juillet 2020, 14h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1991.
Watercolour and acrylic on wove paper.
On the reverse with the signature stamp: Sam Francis, as well as with the stamp: The Sam Francis Estate, the archive number and signature: SF91-4 PR.S / jj3 1991 PR.S Margaret Francis.
61 × 47 cm.

CHF 20 000 / 30 000 | (€ 20 620 / 30 930)

Vendu pour CHF 47 880 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3292* - Z22 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - dimanche 22 juillet 2007, 17h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
SF87-074. 1987.
Acryl auf Papier.
73 x 55 cm.

CHF 18 000 / 26 000 | (€ 18 560 / 26 800)

Vendu pour CHF 43 200 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3736 - A193 PostWar & Contemporary - samedi 04 juillet 2020, 14h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1990.
Watercolour and acrylic on Japan paper.
On the reverse with the stamp: The Sam Francis Estate, as well as with the archive number: S4 45K / SF90 - 127.
60.5 × 45.2 cm.

CHF 18 000 / 24 000 | (€ 18 560 / 24 740)

Vendu pour CHF 36 900 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3381 - Z21 Estampes & Multiples - vendredi 08 décembre 2006, 13h30


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
The white line. 1960.
Lithographie, bezeichnet: épreuve d'essai. Unten rechts signiert: Sam Francis. Darstellung randabfallend auf BFK Rives 90,8 x 63,2 cm. Sehr schöner Zustand.

CHF 3 000 / 4 000 | (€ 3 090 / 4 120)

Vendu pour CHF 36 000 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3449* - Z34 PostWar & Contemporary - samedi 22 juin 2013, 16h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Ohne Titel (SF 68-013). 1968.
Gouache und Aquarell auf Papier.
Verso signiert und datiert sowie mit dem Stempel des Sam Francis estate, dort handschriftlich bezeichnet "S245AA" sowie "68-013".
30,4 x 45,2 cm.

CHF 28 000 / 38 000 | (€ 28 870 / 39 180)

Vendu pour CHF 33 000 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3433* - A195 PostWar & Contemporary - samedi 05 décembre 2020, 14h30


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled (Tokyo Sculpture). 1966.
Acrylic on paper.
Signed, dated and with measurements on the reverse: Sam Francis 1966 Tokyo Sculpture.
40.5 × 31 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 50 000 | (€ 30 930 / 51 550)

Vendu pour CHF 25 920 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3406 - A209 PostWar & Contemporary - jeudi 20 juin 2024, 14h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Drawing for Sculpture. 1966.
Acrylic on paper.
Signed, titled, dated and inscribed on the reverse: Sam Francis 1966 drawing sculpture SF 66-158, as well as inscribed in ballpoint pen: #10.
37.5 × 29.3 cm.

CHF 20 000 / 28 000 | (€ 20 620 / 28 870)

Vendu pour CHF 25 000 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3411 - Z41 PostWar & Contemporary - samedi 03 décembre 2016, 14h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1976.
Gouache and watercolour on paper.
Signed and dated on the reverse: Sam Francis 1976, also with the archive number inscribed: SF 76-230.
30 x 40 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 25 000 | (€ 15 460 / 25 770)

Vendu pour CHF 24 500 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3469 - A197 PostWar & Contemporary - jeudi 01 juillet 2021, 17h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1964.
Acrylic on paper.
Signed on the reverse: Sam Francis.
10.3 × 13.9 cm.

CHF 6 000 / 8 000 | (€ 6 190 / 8 250)

Vendu pour CHF 23 480 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3402 - A209 PostWar & Contemporary - jeudi 20 juin 2024, 14h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1991.
Acrylic on firm paper.
Signed on the reverse: Sam Francis, as well as with the estate stamp: The Sam Francis Estate, and the number: SF91-77.
Diameter 62 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 25 000 | (€ 15 460 / 25 770)

Vendu pour CHF 18 750 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3530 - A181 PostWar & Contemporary - samedi 01 juillet 2017, 13h30


(San Mateo/California 1923 - 1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1987.
Acrylic on vélin.
On the reverse with the stamped signatur: Sam Francis, as well as with the estate stamp. Furthermore with the handwritten numbers: S1-91I SF-87.
68 x 51.5 cm.

CHF 7 000 / 9 000 | (€ 7 220 / 9 280)

Vendu pour CHF 14 900 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3422* - A207 PostWar & Contemporary - jeudi 30 novembre 2023, 14h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Watercolour and gouache on paper with perforated side margin.
With the signature stamp on the reverse: Sam Francis, as well as with the estate stamp: The Sam Francis Estate. With the hand written Litho Shop identification numbers: SF60-1299 SF90-250 S1 17R.
26 × 15.5 cm.

CHF 8 000 / 14 000 | (€ 8 250 / 14 430)

Vendu pour CHF 11 250 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3770* - A189 Estampes & Multiples - samedi 29 juin 2019, 10h00


(San Mateo/California 1923 - 1994 Santa Monica)
Bright Jade Ghost. 1963.
Lot of 5 colour lithographs, in all five colour variations. I25/125, II49/125, III74/125, IV28/125 and V12/125. Each signed in pencil lower right: Sam Francis. Sheet size 55.9 x 90.2 cm on wove paper by BFK Rives (with the watermark). Published by Kornfeld & Klipstein, Bern. Printed by Emil Matthieu Atelier, Zurich.

CHF 9 000 / 14 000 | (€ 9 280 / 14 430)

Vendu pour CHF 10 625 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3451* - Z29 PostWar & Contemporary - vendredi 03 décembre 2010, 17h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Trietto 3. 1991.
Untenr echts signiert: Sam Francis. Zudem unten links nummeriert: 35/66. Unten links mit dem Trockenstempel der Vigna Antoniniana Stamperia d' arte.
68,4 x 98,3 cm (Darstellung).

CHF 7 500 / 8 500 | (€ 7 730 / 8 760)

Vendu pour CHF 9 000 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3702 - A183 Estampes & Multiples - samedi 09 décembre 2017, 10h30


(San Mateo/California 1923 - 1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1979.
Colour monotyp with dry pigments and oil. Signed in pencil lower centre: Sam Francis, also verso inscribed: EXP-SF-12-#3-79. Sheet size 66 x 78 cm on handmade paper.

CHF 8 000 / 12 000 | (€ 8 250 / 12 370)

Vendu pour CHF 8 750 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3535* - Z29 Estampes & Multiples - vendredi 03 décembre 2010, 10h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Senza titolo III. 1987.
Aquatinta und Kaltnadelradierung 72 / 76. Unten rechts signiert: Sam Francis. Platte 88,6 x 99,1 cm auf Fabriano 120 x 147 cm. Verlegt von 2RC Edizioni d' Arte, Rom (unten links mit dem Blindprägestempel). Gedruckt von Raffaele D' Orsogna, Romeo Ramos und Stefano Schiavo, Vigna Antoniniana Stamperia d' Arte, Rom (unten links mit dem Blindprägestempel).

CHF 6 000 / 7 000 | (€ 6 190 / 7 220)

Vendu pour CHF 7 200 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3673 - A187 Estampes & Multiples - samedi 08 décembre 2018, 10h30


(San Mateo 1923 - 1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1963.
Colour screen print. Épreuve d'artiste, artist's proof outside the edition of 40. Signed in pencil lower centre: Sam Francis. Sheet size 66.4 x 92 cm. Published by Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Los Angeles. Printed by Irwin Hollander at Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Los Angeles.

CHF 2 500 / 3 500 | (€ 2 580 / 3 610)

Vendu pour CHF 7 250 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3251 - Z18 Estampes & Multiples - samedi 25 juin 2005, 14h00


(San Mateo 1923–1994 Santa Monica)
Blue Dip. 1972.
Lithographie 3/22. Unten rechts signiert: Sam Francis. Randabfallend auf BFK Rives 61x47 cm. Sehr selten. Gerahmt.

CHF 5 700 / 7 000 | (€ 5 880 / 7 220)

Vendu pour CHF 6 307 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3687* - A191 Estampes & Multiples - samedi 07 décembre 2019, 10h00


(San Mateo 1923 - 1994 Santa Monica)
Heart stone. 1963.
Colour lithograph. 23/65. Signed in pencil lower right: Sam Francis. Sheet size 62 x 90 cm on wove paper by BFK Rives (with the watermark). Published by Kornfeld and Klipstein, Bern. Printed by Emil Matthieu, Zurich.

CHF 3 000 / 5 000 | (€ 3 090 / 5 150)

Vendu pour CHF 6 250 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3514 - A189 PostWar & Contemporary - samedi 29 juin 2019, 14h00


(San Mateo 1923 - 1994 Santa Monica)
Untitled. 1986.
Acrylic on firm wove paper.
On the reverse with the stamped signature: Sam Francis, as well as with estate stamp: The Sam Francis Estate, and with the handwritten archive number: SF 86-739-S4-71NN.
8 x 11 cm.

CHF 3 000 / 5 000 | (€ 3 090 / 5 150)

Vendu pour CHF 6 250 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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