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* 29.04.1882 Quiévy, † 31.01.1960 Paris

Auguste Herbin was born on 29 April 1882 to a family of craftsmen in Quiévy. From 1899, he studied under Pharaon de Winter at the École des Beaux-Arts in Lille and painted his first Impressionist works. He moved to Paris in 1901, visited influential exhibitions by Van Gogh, Gauguin and Seurat and gradually turned his attention to Fauvism. His paintings were soon admitted to the Paris Salons. In 1909, Herbin moved to the legendary ‘Le Bateau-Lavoir’ in Montmartre, where he made the acquaintance of his neighbours Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Juan Gris and Otto Freundlich. Encouraged by his fellow artists, Herbin began to study Cubism intensively and developed a geometric formal language. From 1917, he created his first abstract paintings, which anticipated elements of Art Deco. Between 1921 and 1926, Herbin interrupted his first abstract phase in favour of figurative painting. No sooner had figurative art been recognised and popularised by the art world than Herbin abandoned figurative representation definitively and returned to geometric abstraction. From then on and until his death, Herbin painted spirals, compositions and ‘synchromies’ in bright, pure colours, reducing them to basic geometric forms in a constant process of evolution. He created circles, triangles, rectangles and crescent-shaped forms and depicted them in ever new variations.

In 1931, Herbin founded the ‘Abstraction-Création’ movement with Vantongerloo and other modernist artists. After the Second World War, he founded the ‘Salon des Réalités Nouvelles’, which he presided over from 1955. From 1940, Herbin developed his compositional system, the ‘alphabet plastique’, based on Goethe's theory of colour and Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy. Herbin was convinced that there were secret relationships between letters, musical sounds, colours and shapes and that words and sounds could therefore be expressed in colours and shapes. Accordingly, he assigned a colour, a sound and a geometric shape to each letter. This enabled him to encode his abstract works and give them an individual and artistic signature. In 1949, his colour theory was published in ‘L'art non-figurativ non-objectiv’. Herbin's painting gained wide recognition for many years. He participated in the Kassel Documenta three times. In 1953, Herbin became paralysed on one side and had to continue painting with his left hand. His last work ‘Fin’ was unfinished due to his sudden death. Auguste Herbin died in Paris on 31 January 1960. As a pioneer of French abstraction, Herbin excelled in his use of colour and form.

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Lot 3227* - Z34 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 21 juin 2013, 16h00


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Femme au cerisier. 1924.
Öl auf Leinwand.
Unten rechts signiert: Herbin.
116 x 89 cm.

CHF 120 000 / 160 000 | (€ 123 710 / 164 950)

Vendu pour CHF 156 000 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3236 - A205 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 23 juin 2023, 16h30


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Le vieux pont à Bruges. 1906.
Oil on canvas.
Signed lower left: Herbin.
46 × 55 cm.

CHF 60 000 / 90 000 | (€ 61 860 / 92 780)

Vendu pour CHF 140 600 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3273* - Z36 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 27 juin 2014, 17h00


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Composition. 1930.
Öl auf Leinwand.
Unten links signiert: Herbin.
81 x 65 cm.

CHF 100 000 / 150 000 | (€ 103 090 / 154 640)

Vendu pour CHF 132 000 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3203 - A185 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 29 juin 2018, 16h00


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Paysage. Circa 1905.
Oil on cardboard.
Signed lower left: Herbin.
25 x 33 cm.

CHF 12 000 / 18 000 | (€ 12 370 / 18 560)

Vendu pour CHF 60 500 (frais inclus)
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Lot 3256 - A197 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 02 juillet 2021, 17h00


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Vase de Fleurs. 1905.
Oil on canvas.
Signed upper left: Herbin.
61 × 50 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 50 000 | (€ 30 930 / 51 550)

Vendu pour CHF 49 100 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3226 - A195 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 04 décembre 2020, 16h00


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Le Port. 1907.
Oil on canvas.
Signed lower right: Herbin.
65 × 81 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 50 000 | (€ 30 930 / 51 550)

Vendu pour CHF 34 460 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3252* - Z22 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - dimanche 22 juillet 2007, 17h00


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Volupté. 1956.
Gouache über Bleistift auf Papier.
Unten rechts signiert und datiert: Herbin 56. Unten links betitelt: "Volupté".
25,5 x 33,7 cm.

CHF 20 000 / 30 000 | (€ 20 620 / 30 930)

Vendu pour CHF 30 000 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3235 - A205 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 23 juin 2023, 16h30


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Le pont du village. 1911.
Oil on canvas.
Signed lower right: Herbin.
16 × 22 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 20 000 | (€ 15 460 / 20 620)

Vendu pour CHF 24 700 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3201 - Z35 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 06 décembre 2013, 17h00


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Nature morte aux plantes potagères. 1904.
Öl auf Leinwand.
Unten links signiert: herbin.
54 x 65 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 25 000 | (€ 15 460 / 25 770)

Vendu pour CHF 24 000 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3192 - Z20 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 23 juin 2006, 16h45


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Kubistische Komposition "au violon". 1913.
Bleistift und Aquarell auf Papier.
Unten rechts signiert: Herbin.
34,5 x 23,5 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 20 000 | (€ 15 460 / 20 620)

Vendu pour CHF 21 420 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3088 - Z16 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - mercredi 23 juin 2004, 15h30


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Komposition, ohne Titel. 1940.
Gouache auf Papier.
Unten rechts signiert und datiert: Herbin 40.
34,5 x 26,2 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 22 000 | (€ 15 460 / 22 680)

Vendu pour CHF 11 900 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3089 - Z16 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - mercredi 23 juin 2004, 15h30


(Quiévy 1882–1960 Paris)
Komposition, ohne Titel. Um 1940.
Gouache und Bleistift auf Papier.
Unten rechts signiert: Herbin.
33,7 x 26,4 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 22 000 | (€ 15 460 / 22 680)

Vendu pour CHF 11 900 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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Lot 3246* - A187 Art Impressionniste & Moderne - vendredi 07 décembre 2018, 16h00


(Quiévy 1882 - 1960 Paris)
Volutes. 1940.
Watercolour, gouache and crayon on paper.
Signed lower right: Herbin.
34.6 x 24.4 cm.

CHF 8 000 / 12 000 | (€ 8 250 / 12 370)

Vendu pour CHF 9 750 (frais inclus)
Aucune responsabilité n'est prise quant à l´exactitude de ces informations.

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