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Lot 3051 - A203 Art Suisse - vendredi, 02. décembre 2022, 14h00


(Stampa 1877–1947 Zurich)
Roses. 1933.
Oil on canvas.
Monogrammed lower right: A.G.
96 × 100 cm.

- Swiss private collection, acquired directly from the artist.
- Sale, Sotheby's Zurich, 31.5.2006, no. 76 (consigned by the above).
- Important Swiss private collection, acquired at the above auction.

- Paris 1934, L'art suisse contemporain depuis Hodler (peinture et sculpture), Musée du Jeu de Paume, 1.2.–1.3.1934.
- Chur 1935, Augusto Giacometti, Bündner Kunsthaus, 17.2.–10.3.1935.
- Bern 1959, Augusto Giacometti, Kunsthalle Bern, 8.5.–14.6.1959.

- Hans Hartmann: Augusto Giacometti. Pionier der abstrakten Malerei. Ein Leben für die Farbe, Chur 1981, p. 246, no. 1650.
- Caroline Kesser: Immer nur das Paradies. Augusto Giacometti – Die Tagebücher 1932–1937, Zurich 2020, p. 113–114.

In his journal entries for the 7th, 8th and 9th of August 1933, Augusto Giacometti reported on the creation of this painting: 'Heute ein grosses Rosenbild begonnen auf dunklem Grund. Quadratisch. Am Abend y. Löwenstrasse. Sehr schön. Am Bild weiter gemalt (…). Das Rosenbild ist fertig geworden.' (Today began a large rose painting on a dark background. Square. In the evening y. Löwenstrasse. Very nice. Continued working on the picture (...). The rose painting is finished.) (Kesser 2020).

CHF 180 000 / 280 000 | (€ 185 570 / 288 660)

219 900