Lot 386 - A170 Livres - samedi, 20. septembre 2014, 10h00
ORIENT - Roberts, David. The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, & Nubia. From Drawings made on the spot by David Roberts, R.A. With historical Descriptions by the Revd. George Croly. L.L.D. Lithographed by Louis Haghe. 6 volumes. With 4 engraved frontispieces (thereunder 1 portrait of the author), 6 engraved titles, 238 coloured originial-lithographies, all mounted on card, as well as 2 engraved maps by L. Haghe after D. Roberts and C. Baugniet. London, F. G. Moon, 1842-1849. 6 monumental Maroquin with gilt spine and covers, coat-of-arms, gilt edges (sign: "Pilkington, Dublin"; borders a little rubbed, some slight spottings, light scratchings) in: Library furniture, late Art Déco. Trope wood. Rectangular corpus with diagonal leaf on the mounted base. Open front with 6 extensible shelf boards. Metal holders. 81x52x106 cm (the leaf with scratchings and missings in the inlay). - First edition, complete with all engravings. - Inside: Titles and text a little moldy and browned. Some plates a little foxing and glue shadily. Some fingerspots. The plate 'Shrine of the Annunciation' in vol. I cut on the borders, the plate "Cairo looking West" with some ink dots and/ or colour dabbers. All in all in a very good condition. - Provenance: With the exlibris and coat-of-arms of the Earls of Portarlington on Emo Court (Ireland). - Monunumental travelogue from the Orient in custom-built furniture
Roberts, David.
The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, & Nubia. From Drawings made on the spot by David Roberts, R.A. With historical Descriptions by the Revd. George Croly. L.L.D. Lithographed by Louis Haghe. 6 Bände. Mit 4 gest. Frontispizen (davon 1 Porträt), 6 gest. Titelblättern, 238 kol. Original-Lithographien, alle auf Trägerkarton mont., sowie 2 gest. Karten von L. Haghe nach D. Roberts u. C. Baugniet.
London, F. G. Moon, 1842-1849. Imperial-Folio. 6 monumentale Maroquin-Bände mit goldgepr. Rücken- u. Deckeltitel, Bandzahl und Wappen-Supralibros auf HDeckel, floraler Innen-, Steh- und Aussenkantenvergoldung, Goldschnitt (sign: "Pilkington, Dublin"; Kanten leicht berieben, teils minimal fleckig, leicht kratzspurig) in: BIBLIOTHEKSMÖBEL, spätes Art Déco. Tropenholz. Rechteckiger Korpus mit leicht schräg gestelltem Blatt auf eingezogenem Sockel. Offene Front mit 6 ausziehbaren, mit grünem Filz belegten Tablaren. Metallgriffe. 81x52x106 cm (das Blatt mit Kratzern, Furnierfehlstellen).
Blackmer 1432 - Tooley 401-2 - Hiler 205 - Wilbour S. 626 - Ibrahim-H. II, S. 176-177 - Tobler S. 299 - Röhricht S. 403-5 - Gay 25 - Graesse VI, 137 - Lipperheide Lc 12 - Abbey Travel 272 u. 385: "Robert's Holy Land was one of the most elaborate ventures of nineteenths-century publishing, and it was the apotheosis of the tinted lithograph" - Benezit: "Peu d'artistes on plus que Roberts affimre leur gout des voyages. Il visita à l'Europe, la Syrie, l'Egypte, puisant partout des sujets pour l'expression de son talent, qu'il traduisit aussi bien à l'huile qu'à l'aquarelle" - Ray 88: "The most ambitious and impressive of English books illustrated with lithographs". - Thieme-B. 28, 428: "... gehört zu den geschätztesten Architekturmalern ..." - Newton S. 114: "It was issued in parts, but is now often found in a set of six folio volumes consisting of 248 lithographs with descriptive text. Roberts praised the lithographer Louis Haghe for the faithful and artistic interpretation of his drawings, and he shares the credit for the great success of this publication...". - Erste Ausgabe. - Komplett mit allen Stichen. - 2. Titel: Egypt and Nubia. From Drawings made on the spot by David Roberts, R.A. With historical Descriptions by William Brockedon, F.R.S. Lithographed by Louis Haghe". - Enthält: 1. The Holy Land: I: Jerusalem& Galilee, II: The Verdan & Bethlehem, III: Idumea & Petra; 2. Egypt& Nubia: I&II: Ägypten, III: Nubien. - David Roberts (1796-1864) war ein schottischer Maler, der vor allem für seine Aquarelle des Mittleren- u. Nahen Osten bekannt ist. 1830 verlässt er Grossbritannien für eine Expedition nach Nordafrika, die ihn sukzessive nach Alexandria, Kairo, Abou Simbel, Nubien, ins Heilige Land u.a. bringt. Auf dieser Reise fertigte er zahlreiche Zeichnungen und Aquarelle an. Nach seiner Rückkehr in die Heimat vertraute er Louis Haghe die Vervielfältigung seiner Werke auf Lithographien an. "His early work as a theatrical scene painter enabled him to choose the best viewpoint and subtly exaggerate the proportions and the panoramic vistas of the massive structures he found. In his drawings, he even restored to some extent the original colouring of the sculpture, of which there were still substantial traces visible in the nineteenth century." (Newton) - "Plains so vast... that, until you come near them, you have no idea of their magnificence...I may not have done them justice but few artists of my standing could afford more time, and I daresay few could have produced more in the same number of days" (Vorwort Roberts)". - Die Lithographien (diverse Hoch- und Querformate: ) in farbkräftigem Kolorit und starken Abdrucken, allesamt auf Trägerkarton mont. und unter Schutzblatt zeigen Personenstudien, Strassenszenen, monumentale Veduten mit Pyramiden, Sphinxen, Statuen, Tempel, Wüstenlandschaften, u.v.m. Die Karten vom Heiligen Land, Petrea & Syrien sowie Ägypten & Nubien. Titeleien jeweils etwas angestaubt und gebräunt. Die Tafeln vereinzelt leicht stockfleckig und leimschattig. Text in den Rändern leicht angestaubt und gebräunt, sowie stellenweise leicht fingerfleckig, gelegentlich leichte Stockflecken, jedoch kaum störend. Die Tafel "Shrine of the Annunciation" in Band I stark beschnitten, die Tafel "Cairo looking West" mit leichten Tintenkleksen bzw. Farbtupfern. Insgesamt in sehr guter Erhaltung. Provenienz: Mit dem Exlibris u. den Wappen-Supralibros des Earls of Portarlington auf Schloss Emo Court (Irland). Westschweizer Privatbesitz. So schön selten. ORIENT - Roberts, David. The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, & Nubia. From Drawings made on the spot by David Roberts, R.A. With historical Descriptions by the Revd. George Croly. L.L.D. Lithographed by Louis Haghe. 6 volumes. With 4 engraved frontispieces (thereunder 1 portrait of the author), 6 engraved titles, 238 coloured originial-lithographies, all mounted on card, as well as 2 engraved maps by L. Haghe after D. Roberts and C. Baugniet. London, F. G. Moon, 1842-1849. 6 monumental Maroquin with gilt spine and covers, coat-of-arms, gilt edges (sign: "Pilkington, Dublin"; borders a little rubbed, some slight spottings, light scratchings) in: Library furniture, late Art Déco. Trope wood. Rectangular corpus with diagonal leaf on the mounted base. Open front with 6 extensible shelf boards. Metal holders. 81x52x106 cm (the leaf with scratchings and missings in the inlay). - First edition, complete with all engravings. - Inside: Titles and text a little moldy and browned. Some plates a little foxing and glue shadily. Some fingerspots. The plate 'Shrine of the Annunciation' in vol. I cut on the borders, the plate "Cairo looking West" with some ink dots and/ or colour dabbers. All in all in a very good condition. - Provenance: With the exlibris and coat-of-arms of the Earls of Portarlington on Emo Court (Ireland). - Monunumental travelogue from the Orient in custom-built furniture
CHF 140 000 / 200 000 | (€ 144 330 / 206 190)
Vendu pour CHF 224 400 (frais inclus)
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