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Varie (Ovest)

mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00


Lotto 5421 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

LARGE MUSIC BOX WITH 16 PIPES,Switzerland, 19th century. Divided 40-tone comb on drum. Lever winding. On/Off function. Rectangular box inlaid with narrow fillets, trailing flowers and musical instruments. 59 x 29 x 29 cm. In a very good condition.

Schweiz, 19. Jh.
Geteilter 40-toniger Kamm auf Walze. Aufzug durch Hebel. Ein- und Ausfunktion. In rechteckigem Holzkasten eingelegt mit schmalen Filets, Blumenranken sowie Musikinstrumenten. 59 x 29 x 29 cm.

CHF 3 000 / 4 000 | (€ 3 090 / 4 120)

Venduto per CHF 3 660 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5422 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

DEER HEAD WITH ANTLERS, 19th century. Wood, carved and painted green/gold. Base with crown and double-eagle. 70 x 107 cm.

19. Jh.
Holz geschnitzt und grün/gold gefasst. Auf kartuschenförmiger Wandplatte mit Krone und Doppeladler. 70 x 107 cm.

CHF 500 / 800 | (€ 520 / 820)

Venduto per CHF 671 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5423 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

DEER HEAD WITH ANTLERS, 19th century. Carved wood. 80 x 110 cm.

19. Jh.
Holz geschnitzt. Auf katuschenförmige Platte montiert. 80 x 110 cm.

CHF 400 / 600 | (€ 410 / 620)

Venduto per CHF 610 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5424 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

DEER HEAD WITH ANTLERS, 19th century. Wood, carved and painted green/red/gold, with crucifix between the antlers. Bavarian coat-of-arms. 90 x 114 cm.

19. Jh.
Holz geschnitzt und grün/rot/goldfarben gefasst. Zwischen dem Geweih Kruzifix. Auf ausgeschnittener Wandplatte mit bayerischem Wappen. 90 x 114 cm.

CHF 400 / 600 | (€ 410 / 620)

Venduto per CHF 1 708 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5426 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

PAINTED BOX, Switzerland, 19th century. Rectangular wooden body with hinged cover. Black paint with floral decoration. 28.5x21x13 cm.

Schweiz, 19. Jh.
Rechteckiger Holzkorpus mit vorstehendem Klappdeckel. Die Wandung schwarz gefasst, darauf Blumendekor. 28,5x21x13 cm.

CHF 250 / 350 | (€ 260 / 360)

Venduto per CHF 305 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5433* - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

A SMALL CASKET, Louis Philippe, 19th century. Maple and burlwood. Inside lined with brown velvet. 30x22.5x18 cm. 1 key. Cracks in veneer.

Louis Philippe, 19. Jh.
Ahorn und Wurzelmaser. Rechteckiger, mehrfach passig geschweifter Korpus mit Klappdeckel auf geschweiften Beinen. Innenleben mit braunem Samt ausgeschlagen. 30x22,5x18 cm. 1 Schlüssel. Furnier mit Rissen.

CHF 100 / 150 | (€ 100 / 150)

Venduto per CHF 85 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5434* - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

NUNNERY HANDICRAFT WITH CHRIST CHILD, Austria, 19th century. Wax, paper and cardboard. The back partly mirrored. 15x7x20 cm.

Österreich, 19. Jh.
Wachs, Papier und Karton. Trapezförmiges, vorne verglastes Gehäuse. Das Christuskind mit segnendem Gestus sitzend inmitten von Blumen. Die Rückwand teils verspiegelt. 15x7x20 cm.

CHF 100 / 150 | (€ 100 / 150)

Venduto per CHF 427 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5435* - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

CRUCIFIX, Austria, Vorarlberg, 19th century. Cut and painted wood. Inscribed JESUS NAZAREUS REX IUDEORUM. H 112 cm. Repairs.

Österreich, Vorarlberg, 19. Jh.
Holz ausgeschnitten und gefasst. Oben bez. JESUS NAZAREUS REX IUDEORUM. H 112 cm. Repariert.

CHF 100 / 150 | (€ 100 / 150)

Venduto per CHF 244 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5440 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

MINIATURE CHEST,probably Grisons, dated 1689. Blackened wood, carved. Rectangular body with hinged lid. 26 x 14 x 18 cm.

wohl Graubünden, datiert 1689.
Holz geschwärzt und mit Kerbschnitzerei reich dekoriert. Rechteckiger Korpus mit vorstehendem Klappdeckel auf ausgeschnittenem Sockel. 26 x 14 x 18 cm.

CHF 500 / 700 | (€ 520 / 720)

Venduto per CHF 915 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5441 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

BUCKLE/CLOSURE,beginning of the 18th century. Silver-plated brass. Three parts, with pierced mounts featuring leaf bands, ram heads, flowers, garlands and a crown. L 38 cm.

Anfang 18. Jh.
Messing versilbert. Dreiteilig mit durchbrochenen Beschlägen mit Blattbändern, Widderköpfen, Blumen, Girlanden und Krone. L 38 cm.

CHF 150 / 200 | (€ 150 / 210)

Venduto per CHF 244 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5446 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

COCO DE MER,1950. L 30 cm. Glued.

L 30 cm. Geleimt.

CHF 300 / 500 | (€ 310 / 520)

Venduto per CHF 976 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5447 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

PAIR OF BOWLS,Restoration, France. Gilt brass. Flat, round bowl on a retracted foot and square plinth. The walls gadrooned and decorated with palmettes and faces. H 28 cm.

Restauration, Frankreich.
Bronze vergoldet. Flache runde Schale auf eingezogenem Fuss und quadratischem Sockel. Die Wandung godroniert sowie mit Palmetten und Gesichtern geschmückt. H 28 cm.

CHF 1 500 / 2 000 | (€ 1 550 / 2 060)

Venduto per CHF 1 952 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5448 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

BARYE, ALFRED (1839-1882). Bronze. Elephant with mahout. On an oval base. H 25 cm.

Bronze. Elefant mit Reiter. Auf ovalem Sockel. H 25 cm.

CHF 1 000 / 1 500 | (€ 1 030 / 1 550)

Venduto per CHF 1 098 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5450 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

BRONZE SCULPTURE,in the style of Pierre Jules Mêne. 2 horses facing one another. On a rectangular base. H 36 cm.

in der Art von Pierre Jules Mêne.
2 sich einander zugewandte Pferde. Auf rechteckigem Sockel. H 36 cm.

CHF 400 / 600 | (€ 410 / 620)

Venduto per CHF 854 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5451 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

DUBOIS, PAUL (1829-1905). Bronze with brown patina. Seated soldier. Foundry: "F. Barbedienne, Paris". H 68 cm.

Bronze mit brauner Patina. Sitzender Soldat. Giesser: "F. Barbedienne, Paris". H 68 cm.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Venduto per CHF 1 952 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5453 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

SEATED FIGURE,probably after a model from Antiquity. Patinated bronze. Boy wearing a helmet, seated on a tree stump or rock. H 52 cm.

wohl nach einem Vorbild der Antike.
Bronze patiniert. Auf einem Baumstrunk oder felsigen Sockel sitzender Junge mit Helm, in der linken Hand ein Stab, in der rechten ein Korb. H 52 cm.

CHF 700 / 1 000 | (€ 720 / 1 030)

Venduto per CHF 1 037 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5454* - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

FRANCESCO GIUSEPPE THYLMANI (1862-1936) Bronze. Woman with a lyre. Signed THYLMANI. H 40 cm. Base, not original.

Bronze. Frau mit Leier. Sign. THYLMANI. H 40 cm. Auf späteren Sockel montiert.

CHF 200 / 300 | (€ 210 / 310)

Venduto per CHF 244 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5455* - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

GROUP OF 12 BRONZE FIGURINES, in the style of the Viennese bronzes, ca. 1900. Bronze with polychrome painting. Designed as dancers with animal masks. H 8 cm.

in der Art der Wiener Bronzen, um 1900.
Bronze mit polychromer Bemalung. In Form von Tänzern mit Tierkopfmasken. H 8 cm.

CHF 100 / 150 | (€ 100 / 150)

Venduto per CHF 110 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5458 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

HUGGLER, ARNOLD (1894-1988). Bronze with brown patina. Picador with bull. On a rectangular plinth, monogrammed "AH" and signed "Arnold Huggler". H 29 cm. Provenance: Directly acquired from the artist.

Bronze mit brauner Patina. Picador mit Stier. Auf rechteckigem Sockel, monogrammiert "AH" und signiert "Arnold Huggler". H 29 cm.

CHF 1 200 / 1 800 | (€ 1 240 / 1 860)

Venduto per CHF 1 159 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5459 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

HUGGLER, ARNOLD (1894-1988). Bronze. Standing female nude. On a rectangular plinth. Numbered 1/10, monogrammed "AH" and signed "Arnold Huggler". H 54 cm. Provenance: Directly acquired from the artist.

Bronze. Stehender weiblicher Akt. Auf rechteckigem Sockel. Nummeriert 1/10, Monogramm "AH" und signiert "Arnold Huggler". H 54 cm.

CHF 1 500 / 2 500 | (€ 1 550 / 2 580)

Venduto per CHF 1 525 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5461 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

SMALL LIZARD,ca. 1900. Bronze. The head turned slightly upwards. L 13 cm.

um 1900.
Bronze. Wartend mit nach oben gestrecktem Kopf. L 13 cm.

CHF 300 / 500 | (€ 310 / 520)

Venduto per CHF 366 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5462 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

HEAD OF A WARRIOR,probably a cast after a model from Antiquity, 20th century. Bronze with brown patina. H 63 cm.

wohl Abguss nach antikem Vorbild, 20. Jh.
Bronze mit brauner Patina. H 63 cm.

CHF 1 200 / 1 800 | (€ 1 240 / 1 860)

Venduto per CHF 1 464 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5464* - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

LA MONACA, FRANCIS (1882-1937). Bronze with green patina. Figure of a man, the arms raised in victory. On a later plinth, signed "LA MONACA BRONZE". H 35.5 cm.

Bronze mit grüner Patina. Figur eines Mannes, die Arme zum Siegesgestus erhoben. Auf späterem Sockel, signiert "LA MONACA BRONZE". H 35,5 cm.

CHF 200 / 300 | (€ 210 / 310)

Venduto per CHF 244 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5470 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

DANCING FAUN,after a model from Antiquity from the Casa del Fauno in Pompeii, 20th century. Bronze, patinated. H 80 cm.

nach dem antiken Vorbild aus der Casa del Fauno in Pompej, 20. Jh.
Bronze patiniert. H 80 cm.

CHF 1 200 / 1 800 | (€ 1 240 / 1 860)

Venduto per CHF 3 050 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 5471 - W242 Varie (Ovest) - mercoledì 17 settembre 2014, 14h00

THABARD, ADOLPHE MARTIAL (1831-1905). Bronze. Sculpture of a young boy standing and holding a bird of prey in his left hand. On a round base, signed "A. Thabard". H 77.5 cm.

Bronze. Plastik eines stehenden Jünglings, in der linken Hand einen Greifvogel haltend. Auf rundem Sockel signiert "A. Thabard". H 77,5 cm.

CHF 1 500 / 2 000 | (€ 1 550 / 2 060)

Venduto per CHF 1 586 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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