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1564 Antwerpen 1635

Joos de Momper wurde in einer Künstlerfamilie in Antwerpen geboren, die seit mehreren Generationen Bilder malten, kauften, verkauften und Stiche verlegten. Das Malerhandwerk lernte er von seinem Vater und 1581 wurde er mit nur 17 Jahren Meister in der Antwerpener Lukasgilde. Vermutlich reiste er in den 1580er Jahren nach Italien. Joos de Momper wurde als Meister der Landschaftmalerei bekannt. Seine Werke sind hauptsächlich von den steilen, schroffen Alpenhängen und hohen Felsmassen inspiriert, die in den Werken des Pieter Bruegel d. Ä. (1525–1569) dargestellt sind. Momper arbeitete oft mit Figurenmalern wie Frans Francken d. J. (1581–1642), Pieter Snayers (1592–1667), Jan Brueghel d. Ä. (1568–1625) und Jan Brueghel d. J. (1601–1678) zusammen.


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Data dell'asta

Lotto 3031 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Christ healing a blind man. Oil on canvas. 137.5 x 205 cm. Dr. K. Ertz has examined the painting in the original and confirmed that it is by the hand of Joose de Mompers II in collaboration with Hans Jordans III (1595 Antwerp 1643) An extract from the left half of the painting can be found on a second painting now in a German private collection (Oil on canvas, 137.5 x 121 cm, see Ertz, K.: Joose de Momper des Jüngeren, Freren 1986, p. 558, No 336, ill. p. 556).
Christus heilt einen Blinden.
Öl auf Leinwand.
137,5 x 205 cm.

CHF 160 000 / 200 000 | (€ 164 950 / 206 190)

Venduto per CHF 189 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3026* - A198 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 01 ottobre 2021, 14h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger and JAN BRUEGHEL the Elder

(1564 Antwerp 1635) (Brussels 1568–1625 Antwerp)
Broad mountain landscape with travellers.
Oil on panel.
46.5 × 75.5 cm.

CHF 70 000 / 120 000 | (€ 72 160 / 123 710)

Venduto per CHF 146 700 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3021* - A186 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 28 settembre 2018, 14h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger and JAN BRUEGHEL the Elder

(1564 Antwerp 1635) (Brussels 1568–1625 Antwerp)
A winter landscape with figures.
Oil on panel.
45 × 68.5 cm.

CHF 120 000 / 180 000 | (€ 123 710 / 185 570)

Venduto per CHF 144 500 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3053 - A164 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 22 marzo 2013, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger and JAN BRUEGHEL the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) (1601 Antwerp 1678) A broad landscape with herd of cows. Circa 1620. Oil on panel. 47 x 73.5 cm. Provenance: –collection of E. A. McQuire. –Newton Park auction Dublin. –Wetzlar collection, Amsterdam.–Sotheby's Mak van Waay, Amsterdam, 9.6.1977, Lot 47.–Gallery Noortman, London.–Swiss private collection. Exhibited:–Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Art Treasures from Netherlands Collection, 1955, No. 20, fig. 27.–Laren 1959, No. 59, fig. 30.–Singer Museum, Laren, The Art of Collection, 1966, No.39. Literature:–Bury, A.: A Notable private collection. V. Newtown Park and its treasures, the Dublin home of Senator E.A. Mc Guire, in: Connoiseur, 130, 1952, p. 197-201, fig. No.XII.–Grossmann, in: The Burlington Magazine 1955, p. 336.–Ertz, Klaus: Josse de Momper der Jüngere (1565-1635)–Die Gemälde mit kritischem Oeuvrekatalog, Freren 1986, Cat. No.154, p. 508 with ill.
Weite Landschaft mit Kuhherde. Um 1620.
Öl auf Holz.
47 x 73,5 cm.

CHF 50 000 / 80 000 | (€ 51 550 / 82 470)

Venduto per CHF 114 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3041* - A156 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 01 aprile 2011, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Broad landscape with washerwoman and figures resting near a waterfall. Oil on canvas. 95.5 x 140.5 cm. Provenance:–Robinson & Fisher, London 1925.–Gebrüder Douwes, Amsterdam 1926.–K. Benedict, Berlin 1928.–Peach Amsterdam.–Collection of Dr. A. v. Dongen, Amsterdam.–Private collection, Europe. Exhibited :–Dordrecht, Dordrecht Museum, Nederlandse Landschappen uit de 17e eeuw, 1963, No.83.–Amsterdam, Museum Willet Holthuysen, Schilderijen, tekeniungen en beeldhouwwerken 16e t/m 20e eeuw, uit de verzameling Dr. A.v.Dongen, 25.4–16.6.1968.–Historisches Museum Amsterdam, 't Kan verkeren: G.A. Bredero 1585–1618, 1968, No.15.–'s-Hertogenbosch, Noord Brabants Museum, The Landscape from Bosch to Rubens: Southern Netherlandish Landscapes Art 1500–1675, 17.3.–10.6.2001, No.60.
Weite Landschaft mit Wäscherin und rastende Figuren neben einem Wasserfall.
Öl auf Leinwand.
95,5 x 140,5 cm.

CHF 80 000 / 120 000 | (€ 82 470 / 123 710)

Venduto per CHF 114 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3031* - A142 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 21 settembre 2007, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Rocky landscape with travellers. Oil on panel. 49.5 x 67 cm. Provenance:–Galerie Finck, Brussels, 1984, No. 10.–Private collection . Exhibited: Brussels, Galerie Finck, 1984, No. 10.
Felslandschaft mit Reisenden.
Öl auf Holz.
49,5 x 67 cm.

CHF 90 000 / 120 000 | (€ 92 780 / 123 710)

Venduto per CHF 90 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3076 - A166 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 20 settembre 2013, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger and studio

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Broad landscape with travellers in the foreground. Oil on panel. Monogrammed centre left: JdM. 49 x 93 cm. Provenance:–Bukowski auction, Stockholm, 26.-28.11.1997, Lot315 (as Joos de Momper the elder.).–Swiss private collection. This painting is registered at the RKD, The Hague under number 34688
Weite Berglandschaft mit Reisenden im Vordergrund.
Öl auf Holz.
Links mittig monogrammiert: JdM.
49 x 93 cm.

CHF 50 000 / 70 000 | (€ 51 550 / 72 160)

Venduto per CHF 88 800 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3042 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Rider before a broad landscape with waterfall. Oil on panel. Verso with city coat of arms of the Antwerp Lukas guild and the coat of arms of the panel makers. Possibly by Reynier Roybaert (active 1625-1626). 48.3 x 84.5 cm. Expertise: Dr. Walther Bernt, 30.3.1970. Provenance:–art dealer London.–David M. Koetser Gallery, Zurich.–Swiss private collection.–European private collection. Literature: Ertz, Klaus: Josse de Momper the younger, Freren 1986, p. 529, No. 220, with ill. Dr. Klaus Ertz dates this painting to the end of the 1620s.
Reiter vor einer weiten Landschaft mit Wasserfall.
Öl auf Holz.
Verso mit dem Stadtwappen der Antwerpener Lukas-Gilde und dem Wappen des Panelenmachers, möglicherweise von Reynier Roybaert (tätig 1625-1626).
48,3 x 84,5 cm.

CHF 70 000 / 90 000 | (€ 72 160 / 92 780)

Venduto per CHF 84 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3042* - A200 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 01 aprile 2022, 14h00


(1564 Antwerp 1635) (1573 Antwerp 1647)
Broad mountainous landscape with a gathering of gentlefolk by a bridge.
Oil on panel.
Verso with branded marks of the City of Antwerp and the panel maker Guilliam Aertssen.
62.2 × 105.2 cm.

CHF 70 000 / 90 000 | (€ 72 160 / 92 780)

Venduto per CHF 73 500 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3046 - A154 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 17 settembre 2010, 14h30

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger and JAN BRUEGHEL the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635)(1601 Antwerp 1678) Hilly wooded landscape with deer. Oil on panel. Verso mark from Antwerp. 57 x 84.2 cm. Certificate: Dr. Klaus Ertz, 5. 2. 2010.
Hügelige Waldlandschaft mit Hirschen.
Öl auf Holz.
Verso mit Marke der Antwerpener Hände.
57 x 84,2 cm.

CHF 40 000 / 50 000 | (€ 41 240 / 51 550)

Venduto per CHF 54 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3019 - A138 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 22 settembre 2006, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Holy worship in a cave. Oil on panel. Brand mark of the Antwerp gild of Saint Lucas verso. 73.5 x 111 cm. Expertise Dr. Walther Bernt, Munich, 1975. Provenance:–Galerie Koller, Zürich, 13. November 1975, No 2897, with ill.–Sotheby's, London, 11. December 1985, No 167, with ill.–acquired by the collector at the above auction.
Gottesdienst in einer Grotte.
Öl auf Holz.
Auf der Rückseite der Holztafel Brandmarke der Antwerpener Lukasgilde.
73,5 x 111 cm.

CHF 40 000 / 60 000 | (€ 41 240 / 61 860)

Venduto per CHF 48 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3057* - A164 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 22 marzo 2013, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger and JAN BRUEGHEL the Elder

(1564 Antwerp 1635) (Brussels 1568–1625 Antwerp) Mountain landscape with two goats on a pass. Circa 1600-1610. Oil on panel. 43 x 67 cm. Provenance:–Galerie Fink, Brussels, 1962, No.34.–Swiss private collection. Literature: Ertz, Klaus: Josse de Momper der Jüngere (1564-1635)–Die Gemälde mit kritischem Oeuvrekatalog, Freren 1986, p. 476 No.64, with ill p. 477.
Berglandschaft mit zwei Ziegen am Pass. Um 1600-1610.
Öl auf Holz.
43 x 67 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 45 000 | (€ 30 930 / 46 390)

Venduto per CHF 33 600 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3025* - A196 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 26 marzo 2021, 14h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635)
Mountain landscape with William Tell shooting his bow and arrow.
Oil on panel.
Verso with the mark of the City of Antwerp as well as the trefoil of the panel maker Michiel Claessens (circa 1590–1637).
73.2 × 100.5 cm.

CHF 16 000 / 20 000 | (€ 16 490 / 20 620)

Venduto per CHF 30 800 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3041* - A160 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 30 marzo 2012, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Rocky landscape with three walkers resting near a waterfall. Oil on panel. 63.7 x 57 cm. Provenance: –Private collection, France.
Felsige Landschaft mit drei rastenden Wanderern neben einem Wasserfall.
Öl auf Holz.
63,7 x 57 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 40 000 | (€ 30 930 / 41 240)

Venduto per CHF 28 800 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3077 - A166 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 20 settembre 2013, 15h00

Circle of JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Winter landscape with a church. Oil on panel. 49 x 64 cm. Provenance:–Galerie Julius Böhler, Munich.–Collection of Emil Georg Bührle, since 4.11.1952 (label verso).–Swiss private collection.
Winterlandschaft mit einer Kirche.
Öl auf Holz.
49 x 64 cm.

CHF 5 000 / 7 000 | (€ 5 150 / 7 220)

Venduto per CHF 13 200 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3075A* - A166 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 20 settembre 2013, 15h00

Circle of JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Broad landscape with figures. Oil on canvas. 39 x 60 cm.
Weite Landschaft mit Figuren.
Öl auf Leinwand.
39 x 60 cm.

CHF 8 000 / 12 000 | (€ 8 250 / 12 370)

Venduto per CHF 11 400 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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Lotto 3050* - A182 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 22 settembre 2017, 15h00

Circle of JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635)
Mountain landscape with figures.
Oil on panel.
19.5 x 25.5 cm.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Venduto per CHF 4 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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