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Lotto 1016* - A200 Arti decorative - giovedì, 31. marzo 2022, 10h00


Stans, dated 1604.
Central medallion with an allegorical figure, with Saint Benedict to the left and Saint Catherine of Alexadria to the right. The lower part of the panel with a packhorse, and a man and a dog in a landscape. The upper part of the panel with a cartouche inscribed: Bartlime Zimmerman des Ratzs zuo Stanzs 1604.
26.5 × 20 cm.

Paintwork rubbed. Repairs to the lead and significantly restored. Panes in part replaced.

CHF 1 200 / 1 800 | (€ 1 240 / 1 860)

Venduto per CHF 3 750 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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