Lotto 6405 - W246 Dipinti (Ovest) - mercoledì, 16. settembre 2015, 15h30
BESCHEY, BALTHASAR (before 1708 Antwerp 1776) Four scenes from the life of Abraham (Genesis 12-22) Oil on canvas. 225 x 174 cm / 226 x 168 cm / 224 x 167 cm / 323 x 225 cm. Provenance: - formerly in the artist’s apartment, 'De Rozenhoed' in Antwerp, 1776. - Belgian private collection. - Swiss private collection. Registered at RKD, The Hague, as by Balthasar Beschey
CHF 10 000 / 15 000 | (€ 10 310 / 15 460)
Venduto per CHF 10 625 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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