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Lotto 1668 - Z41 Fotografia - sabato, 03. dicembre 2016, 10h00

BRAUN, ADOLPHE (1811-1877).

"Gotthardbahn" [Gotthard railway]. Portfolio with 83 original photographs (thereunder 1 panorama).
Albumin prints. Vintages. Dornach, around 1872-1874. Each around 28 x 21,5 cm (panel and square size); panorama: 27,6 x 90,8 cm. Portfolio 57 x 47 cm. The prints are mounted on imprinted cardboards, handwritten numberation (by the photographer?). Loosen in private cloth-portfolio with gilt cover title.

Kurt Zurfluh, Gotthard als die Bahn gebaut wurde, Zurich 1982.

With views of Locarno, Ranzo (2), Gerra, Lugano (5), Robassacco bridge, Piantorino-Viaduct (2), Busino-Viaduct, Bellinzona (2), Brenno bridge, Biasca, lower ticino bridge with Giornico (2), Giornico (2), Piantonto tunnel, Biaschina, Fontanella Viaduct, Faido, Polmengo bridge, Boscierina tunnel, Dazio canyon, Stalvedro bridge (2), Airolo (2), Goeschenen (4), "Gesammt-Uebersicht der Bahnentwicklung in der Biaschina" (entire view of the train progress in Biaschina; (Panorama), "Luftlocomotive" (air locomotive), Bohrgestell (drilling rill), Kompressoren (compressors), Rohrbach bridge, Mayenreuss bridge (6), Kellerbach-Viaduct, Strahlloch bridge, Wasen (3), Wattinger Reuss bridge, Pfaffensprung, Häggrigerbach-Gallerie, Reussthal (2), Meitschlingen, Säcken Viaduct, Z'graggenthal-Viaduct, Reuss bridge (2), Kerstellenbach bridge (2), Amsteg, Evibach bridge, Grünbachgallerie, Grünbach canyon, Gruenbach and Axenberg, Sisikon, Brunnen (2), Mythenstein tunnel, Gütsch tunnel (2), Muotta bridge, Goldauerschutt (2), Goldau (2), Rindelfluh (2), Luzern. - The panorama shot made in 4 segments mounted on 2 mediums (fixed with cloth).

Swiss private property.

CHF 6 000 / 9 000 | (€ 6 190 / 9 280)

Venduto per CHF 10 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
Non si assume alcuna responsabilità per la correttezza di queste informazioni.