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Lotto 1040 ♣ - A205 FROM BAROQUE TO DESIGN - venerdì, 23. giugno 2023, 10h00


Probably Dresden, late 16th century.
Turned ivory. Pierced, spiral-shaped conical shaft made of two strands, mounted on a slightly curved foot. Hexagonal bowl-shaped drip pan and gadrooned spike at the bottom. The bottom of the foot with two inventory labels 2630 (Koelitz) and 49 (Richter). Two perforations in the foot.
H 31 cm, Ø 7 cm.
Per l'esportazione di questo oggetto è necessario un certificato CITES. L'acquirente è responsabile dell'ottenimento di questo documento. La spedizione all'estero non è possibile tramite Koller Auktionen. Per ulteriori informazioni contattare il dipartimento. Grazie.

Crack in the base and fine crack in the shaft (blossom). Slightly crooked. Small chip at the foot.

- Inventarium über die Fürstlich Kunst Cammer zum Newenhaus 1666: 2 leuchter von Helfenbein und buxbaum, die säulen sind gewunden und passicht gedrehet (Renner, Die Kunstinventare der Markgrafen von Baden-Baden, 1941, p.160).
- Specificatio 1740: Pos. 276: Ein gantz von helfenbein hohl gewunden gedreheter leuchter (Renner 1941, p.259).
- Inventory of Die von Rastatt...1772, Inv. No. 145.
- Grand Ducal Residence Palace, Karlsruhe (Koelitz 1883, Inv. No. 2630).
- New Palace, Baden-Baden (Richter 1919, Inv. No. 49).
- The Collection of the Margraves and Grand Dukes of Baden, Sotheby's Baden-Baden, 5-21 1995, lot 277.
- Important German private collection, acquired at the above auction.
- By succession into the present private collection.

Comparative literature:
- Evelyne Schlumberger, Connaissance des Arts, Les Ivoires Tournés du Palais Pitti, December 1962, pp. 156-159.
- Kirsten Aschengreen Piacenti, Antichità Viva, La Collezione Medicea di Avori Torniti, January 1963, pp. 15-25.
- Eugen von Philippovich, Ivory, Munich 1982, pp. 414-429.
- Klaus Maurice, Der drechselnde Souverän, Zurich 1985.
- Annette Frese, Weltkunst, Kunstkammerstücke, April 1988, pp. 1045-1047.

Important note: Due to the use of species-protected materials, the object on offer requires an EU certificate for commercial activities. Such a commercial permit for the EU interior has been applied for. With this permit, the object may only be traded within the EU area.

The object on offer can be viewed at the representative office of Koller Munich (address: Vilshofener Str. 8 / corner Mauerkircherstr., 81679 Munich, Germany / Tel.: +49 89 22 802 766, Mail: by prior appointment.

CHF 8 000 / 12 000 | (€ 8 250 / 12 370)

Venduto per CHF 10 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
Non si assume alcuna responsabilità per la correttezza di queste informazioni.