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Lotto 1383 - A204 Arti decorative - giovedì, 30. marzo 2023, 10h00


Terracotta figure of a striding woman after an archaic model from Antiquity, ca. 1900. Polychrome painted and patinated.
H 128 cm, L 90 cm.

Partly repainted and restored. A larger repair in the area of the lower garment between the legs.

- Antiquity market Rome, circa 1940.
- Antiquity market Zurich.
- Ticino private collection.

The Cremonese sculptor Alceo Dossena (1878-1938) is an interesting artist of the 20th century. Influenced by the typical Historicist trends of the time, he created sculptural masterpieces that experts long considered authentic works by Donatello, Simone Martini, Giovanni or Nino Pisano, and Andrea del Verrocchio. His imitations based on models from Antiquity reached such a high quality and technical finesse that they were acquired by unscrupulous art dealers and allegedly sold to collectors and museums as genuine sculptures without the artist's knowledge. Only the art-historical reappraisal of his oeuvre brought these "forgeries" to light, whereby the artist did not maliciously create copies of known specimens, but rather created artistic recreations and reinterpretations based on the stylistic guidelines and techniques of Classical Antiquity, the 13th and 14th centuries, or the Renaissance.

The sculpture on offer can be related to a group of works by the artist with an archaic appearance. Physiognomy, posture and composition, for example, are reminiscent of a "Greek-archaic Athena in fighting position" attributed to him (Cf. Eberhard Paul, Gefälschte Antike von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwart, Berne, 1981, p. 225, Ills. 171/172 / or Sotheby's Auction, London, 6 July 2021, Lot No. 85). Further design parallels in the area of the face can be found in another Athena by Dossena (Cf. ibidem p. 226, Ill. 174). Influences of the Etruscan style are also recognizable, as can be seen from the comparison with a terracotta figure by Dossena (Cf. ibidem Ill. 224*).

Dossena's work has again received increased attention in recent art history - the MART (Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto) dedicated a monographic exhibition to the artist entitled "Forgery in Art. Alceo Dossena and Italian Renaissance Sculpture" (3 October 2021 - 27 February 2022).

Our figure is illustrated in: Karina Türr, Fälungen antiker Plastik seit 1800, Berlin, 1984, p. 75/76, fig. A19.

CHF 3 000 / 5 000 | (€ 3 090 / 5 150)

Venduto per CHF 3 500 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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