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Lotto 1620* - A185 Fotografia - giovedì, 28. giugno 2018, 14h00


(act. 1859-1888), et al.
Port Said and Suez canal, around 1880-1920. 48 original photographs.
Albumen prints mounted or fixed on cardboard. Vintages.
Circa 15 x 26 cm to 20 x 30 cm (image sizes).
Mostly with light inscribed photographer's name and/ or inscription.

Views of the Suez canal, ships, harbors, light towers, street scenes, traditional dressed aboriginals and maps. Thereunder some print by Zangaki. Hippolyte Arnous and Adolphoi Zangaki worked both in Port Said. - Professionally kept in display sleeves.

CHF 2 400 / 3 200 | (€ 2 470 / 3 300)

Venduto per CHF 4 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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