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Lot 1817* - S17 Out of This World - Tuesday, 28. June 2022, 04.00 PM


Martian Meteorite
paired with Swayyah 005
62.5 gr
5.4 x 3.8 x 3 cm

Provenance: Swiss private collection

Named after the Roman god of war, Mars has long been associated with warfare and mysteries. The planet’s two moons, Phobos and Deimos were named for two of the sons of Ares and Aphrodite (the counterparts of Mars and Venus, respectively, in Greek mythology).

A Martian meteorite is a rock that formed on Mars and was ejected wth a minimal speed of 5 km/s from the planet by an impact event, for example from an asteroid. It then traversed interplanetary space for many hundreds of thousands of years before landing on Earth. As of May 2021, only 261 meteorites had been classified as Martian, less than half a percent of the over 70'000 meteorites that have been classified.

These meteorites are known as Martian because they have elemental and isotopic compositions that are similar to rocks and atmospheric gases on Mars, which have been measured by orbiting spacecraft, surface landers and rovers.
The majority of SNC meteorites are quite young compared to most other meteorites and seem to imply that volcanic activity was present on Mars only a few hundred million years ago. The young formation ages of Martian meteorites was one of the early recognized characteristics that suggested their origin from a planetary body such as Mars.

The here presented specimen of a matrian specimen is of the finest quality. After an estimated 20'000 years in the Desert it turned into a true piece of natural art. It reminds the viewer of a work of modern art, such as a sculpture by alberto giacometti (1901 - 1966) or a relief by hans josephsohn (1920 - 2012).

See also lot 1882


火星陨石辉玻质无球粒火星陨石与Swayyah 005搭配62.5 克5.4 x 3.8 x 3 厘米
出处:瑞士私人收藏火星以罗马战神的名字命名,长期以来一直与战争和神秘有关。这颗行星的两颗卫星,福波斯和戴莫斯,是以阿瑞斯和阿芙洛狄忒(希腊神话中火星和金星的对应者)的两个儿子命名的。火星陨石是在火星上形成的岩石,被例如小行星撞击后以最低5公里/秒的速度抛出火星,然后,它在星际空间中穿行了数十万年,然后降落在地球上。截至2021年5月,只有261块陨石被归类为火星陨石,这还不到迄今已被归类的7万多块陨石的百分之零点五。这些陨石被称为火星陨石,因为它们的元素和同位素组成与火星上的岩石和大气气体相似,这些元素和同位素组成已经被轨道上的太空探测器、着陆器和火星车测量到。与大多数其他陨石相比,大多数SNC陨石是相当年轻的,这表明火星上的火山活动仅在几亿年前存在。火星陨石年轻的形成年代是早期公认的特征之一,表明它们来自像火星这样的星球。这里展出的火星陨石是最优质的。在沙漠中经过大约2万年的时间,它已经被大自然改造成了一件真正的艺术作品。它让观众想起现代艺术作品,例如 Alberto Giacometti (1901 - 1966) 的雕塑或 Hans Josephsohn (1920 - 2012) 的浮雕。另见第1882号拍品

CHF 4 500 / 7 000 | (€ 4 640 / 7 220)

Sold for CHF 5 000 (including buyer’s premium)
All information is subject to change.