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拍品 1817 - S19 Sammlung Dr. med. Sylvia Legrain - Mittwoch, 20. September 2023, 10.00 AM


Two outer sides of the wings of a triptych: Saint Afra at the stake/ Maria Aegyptiaca. 1497.
Oil on panel, laid on a more recent wooden panel.
Inscribed centre top: sct afra / sct maria egiptiam.
115.5 × 28.2 cm / 115.7 × 28.1 cm.

- Dr Alfred Stange, 9.5.1967 (as Master of the Nuremberg Rochus Altar, copy of certificate available).
- Dr Bernd Konrad, 9.1.2013 (as Augsburg master of 1497).

- Collection of Count Du Molin, probably Munich.
- Prince Hohenzollern Art Collections, Sigmaringen, 1897 until 1928 (as Nuremberg painter 1497, inv no. 7318 and 7319).
- Sale of the Prince Hohenzollern Art Collections, Frankfurt am Main, 1928, no. 69 and 70 (as Nuremberg master 1497).
- Private collection, Frankfurt am Main.
- With Dr Heinz Steinmeyer, Munich.
- Sale Lempertz, Cologne, 21.4.1967, Lot 796 (as Augsburg master circa 1500).
- European private collection.
- Sale Koller, Zurich, 22.3.2013, Lot 3005.

- Journal der Fürstlich Hohenzollernschen Sammlungen, 1896, p. 401.
- Kurzes Verzeichnis der im Staedelschen Kunstinstitut ausgestellten Sigmaringer Sammlungen, Frankfurt am Main 1928, p. 13, no. 69 and 70.
- Weltkunst, yr. 31, 19a, 10.10.1961, p. 22 (ill.).

Frankfurt 1928, Sigmaringer Sammlungen, Staedelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt, no. 69 and 70.

CHF 30 000 / 50 000 | (€ 30 930 / 51 550)

以瑞士法郎銷售 CHF 37 500 (包含買家佣金)