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拍品 3010 - A181 瑞士艺术 - Freitag, 30. Juni 2017, 04.00 PM


(1831 Ins 1910)
Girl with loaf of bread.
Pencil on paper.
35 x 25 cm (sight area).

This pencil study is probably the preparatory drawing for the watercolour "Mädchen mit rotem Schultertuch und Brotlaib vor Winterlandschaft" c. 1897 (cf. online database SIKART, Lexicon on art in Switzerland, Albert Anker, No. 92526).

Albert Anker painted various versions of the motif "Mädchen mit Brot" (girl with bread). For example, No. 308, 376 and No. 625 in the catalogue raisonné.

CHF 6 000 / 9 000 | (€ 6 190 / 9 280)

以瑞士法郎銷售 CHF 7 500 (包含買家佣金)